He Drank, She Drank: A Bottle of the Sexes

A column by Kevin and Carolyn Kourofsky

I Speak Wine: How to Join the Conversation

Carolyn:        Let’s say I’m going to a wine tasting—

Kevin:           That’s a safe bet. Wait a minute, was I invited too?

Carolyn:        —And I’m not sure what to say about the wines.

Kevin:           When have you ever had trouble finding something to say about wine?

Carolyn:        Asking for a friend. She’s worried about what to expect, and how to describe what she’s tasting. Apparently there are going to be some people there she thinks of as ‘wine snobs’.

Kevin:           Oh, I know the feeling.

Carolyn:        And she asked me what aromas and flavors she might find in different wines.

Kevin:           Well, Chardonnay can pretty much be counted on to have aromas of citrus and/or apple.

Carolyn:        And if you want to sound really sophisticated, pear.

Kevin:           Pear is a good one for Pinot Grigio, too. That or citrus. And if a white wine is a bit sweet, add the word “baked” in front of the fruit.

Carolyn:        If it’s a Cabernet Franc – currant leaf. No one ever questions this. Even if none of us have ever smelled a currant leaf IRL.

Kevin:           Right, but you’d better warn her that saying “currant leaf” borders on being a wine snob. If there’s one in the vicinity she’s opening herself up to deeper conversations.

Carolyn:        True. Maybe just ‘currant.’ Whenever I’m tasting a fruit I can’t quite identify in a red wine, I go with currant.

Kevin:           And then there’s Pinot: Cherry

Kevin:           Merlot: Plum, blueberry

Carolyn:        Cabernet Sauvignon. Probably darker fruit, like blackberry, black cherry, or maybe coffee or chocolate.

Kevin:           What about unusual aromas that are associated with a particular varietal, like violets in Syrah?

Carolyn:        Have you ever actually smelled violets in a wine?

Kevin:           There was one time, on that picnic back in ’99—

Carolyn:        They were probably in the lawn.

Kevin:           Speaking of lawns, don’t forget mown grass in Sauvignon Blanc. Unless you’re getting grapefruit instead—

Carolyn:        The fact is, everybody is going to smell and taste different things in any wine. You can’t really be wrong as long as you use the right basic vocabulary.

Kevin:           And smile enigmatically. That goes a long way.

Carolyn:        Like Mona Lisa?

Kevin:           I bet she was at a Tuscan wine tasting, enjoying a nice Chianti.

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